It is a coverage you acquire upon expiration of the manufacturer’s warranty or for used and reconditioned cars that no
longer includes a manufacturer’s warranty. An extended warranty not only safeguards owners against unexpected
breakdowns or system failures, but it also protects buyers against common problems that may afflict certain vehicle
MyOpal has a great track record as a licensed and established insurance agency. We have been administering warranty
claims under established insurance companies in Malaysia. We manage a portfolio of over 2,000 vehicles and is the
premier aftermarket warranty provider in Malaysia. Hence rest assured we are all about extending your peace of mind.
We have extensive partnerships with key automotive vendors and a panel of over 180 specialists workshops nationwide,
please visit workshop locator to locate a workshop near you.
Prime Inspection service covers a detailed engine and transmission diagnosis to examine the condition of a car. A fast,
efficient and reliable onsite inspection.
Especially for buyers of used or reconditioned cars,  MyOpal serves as an impartial third-party evaluator to ensure that the
buyer receives a vehicle that is in great working condition. And if it doesn’t conform, at least the buyer may still walk away
from buying a potentially problematic car.